Friday, July 30, 2010

Bad Maggie!

I've been bad about blogging over the last few days. I need to make sure I keep up my motivation, in both the blogging and the weightloss. I am still soda free. 11 days and counting. I'm still getting cravings but I'm keeping away from it. I do need to increase the water I drink because I am getting dehydrated.

I still need to go to the gym one more time this week to make my goal. Tomorrow I have work, and then my cousin's graduation party. I'm going to try to go in between the 2 or go after I leave there. I should go tonight but I can barely keep my eyes open. It was much easier to work out when I wasn't getting up at 5 am every morning.

Foodwise, I'm doing ok. I have cut back the amount of fast food I eat in like half. I used to get something in the morning, something at lunch, and something for dinner. I've pretty much just been getting lunch, and trying to choose healthy things. We just opened a subway in my mall so I should start going there.

I hope I have lost some weight this week, if not, I know I'll need to go to the gym more and watch my calories better.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


So today I went back and forth with myself about going to the gym. First I was gonna go when I got home, then I wanted to nap, then I wanted to watch tv. Finally around 8:30 I yelled at myself to get up off my fat ass and get to the gym. Soooo I went. I used the elliptical for 30 minutes and according to it burned 300 calories (probably more like 150 real calories). Of course after 15 minutes I was exhausted and wanted to go home, made myself keep going, same thing after 20 and then 25 minutes. But haha I made it my whole 30 minutes. and I feel pretty great about it!!!!

I ate kind of bad today. Donuts for breakfast, apricots for lunch, and a burrito from Cafe Rio for dinner. But tomorrow is another day!

Monday, July 26, 2010

July 26th

No gym today. It's hard to get that motivation to go after getting up at 5 am. But I did choose to eat a healthy dinner. It's been a week now with no soda and I've also cut down my fast food eating. Since most combos come with soda, I now don't really want to get them. YAY.

Hopefully tomorrow will go better- I need to not take a nap when I get home.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunday July 25th

So I weighed myself this morning and I was 196.8. So there goes that water weight!! I'm sure the no soda is helping too though.

So this week's goal is 2x to the gym. I didn't go today. I did work moving fixtures and I did a bit of water aerobics today so at least I got more exercise then normal.

I went to costco with my mom today and got some healthy food to snack on at home. One of my problems is I have is I like to munch on things all the time when I'm home. Usually we don't have anything I want, so I'll drive and get fast food. Hopefully this will avoid it.

I also know one of my big challenges will be emotional eating. Whenever I get bummed out, I want to eat so I have to find new ways to change that. Any ideas - other than going to the gym?

Here's to week 2 of the great Maggie weight loss experiment!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Saturday July 24

I think I'm going to blog every day to keep me motivated. GO TEAM ME!
It's been 5 days without soda and I am feeling pretty good about that. Headaches are gone, and I'm taking those 5 hour shots and so I feel more energetic. I'm happy with my decision to lose the weight and I think this time I can stick with it.

All the things you have to do to lose weight seems incredibly daunting: Exercise every day, eating healthy, take vitamins, take fiber, only eating 1200-1500 calories. I've decided to take it one week at a time. Next week I'm going to work on the exercise. My goal for next week is to go to the gym at least 2x and keep up with the no soda.

You know what? I've also eaten less this week. I think it really is true that soda makes you eat more!!

I just gotta keep telling myself that I've done this before, I can do it again. Goodbye fat!! Peace out!

P.S. I am very jealous of people with awesome metabolisms who never seem to gain weight no matter what they eat or do.

Friday, July 23, 2010

First post, first week.

I've decided to start blogging about losing weight in the hopes that it will hold me accountable and get me to actually do it. So first off... I currently weigh 200.6 lbs. I am 4'9" and I'm 28 years old. Yup, thats the truth. I've lied about my weight before, knocked 20 lbs or so off. But I need to be honest in my weight loss or else it's never going to work.

In 2007 I lost 40ish lbs. I have gained back 60. There's a variety of events that lead to the weight gain, but once again, honestly, I ate too much, and exercised not enough and used those events as excuses to do so.

I think my goal is going to be to lose 5lbs a month.

I really wouldn't mind being fat and happy, and eating whatever I wanted. But I also know, thats not healthy for me. One of my main goals in life is to be married and have a family... and really, there aren't a bunch of guys who want fat midgets. I was also far happier when I was thinner- I enjoyed shopping, I enjoyed working out, I liked how I looked and I felt good too.

I know there will be lots that I will need to give up, but I will reward myself with non-food related prizes. That helps, I like shiney things. Pedicures, massages, other things I think will help fill my food void haha.

Anyway, thanks for reading, I hope you do enjoy reading it and will comment because I need to be held accountable... I know that helps too!